Riche de 120 variétés différentes de mousses, la découverte de ce temple Zen est une expérience assez étonnante. La visite commence par une cérémonie bouddhiste où chaque participant doit re-écrire un mantra (en kanji...) pendant que les moines le lisent au son des tambours. Ensuite, seulement, préservé par l'atmosphère sereine du lieu, on accède au jardin...
Plus d'infos ici.
120 different variety of mosses grow up there, visiting this Zen temple is a pretty amazing experience. The tour begins with a Buddhist ceremony in which each participant must re-write a mantra while the monks read it with the sound of drums. Only then, preserved by the serene atmosphere of the place, you could access to the garden.
More info here.
Plus d'infos ici.
120 different variety of mosses grow up there, visiting this Zen temple is a pretty amazing experience. The tour begins with a Buddhist ceremony in which each participant must re-write a mantra while the monks read it with the sound of drums. Only then, preserved by the serene atmosphere of the place, you could access to the garden.
More info here.
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