Bruno Taut la décrit comme : « un exemple d'architecture classique, un monument éternel. » « L'architecte moderne reconnaîtrait avec étonnement, que cette construction est absolument moderne, (...) ». Elle inspira de nombreux architectes. Malheureusement, aujourd'hui, seul le jardin et les trois pavillons de thé sont visibles... Mais c'est déjà pas mal ^-^. Plus d'info ici.
Bruno Taut describes it as "an example of classical architecture, an eternal monument. . "The modern architect would recognize with astonishment that this construction is absolutely modern, (...)". It inspired many moderns architects. Unfortunately, today, only the garden and three tea houses are visible ... But that's not so bad ^ - ^. More here.
Bruno Taut describes it as "an example of classical architecture, an eternal monument. . "The modern architect would recognize with astonishment that this construction is absolutely modern, (...)". It inspired many moderns architects. Unfortunately, today, only the garden and three tea houses are visible ... But that's not so bad ^ - ^. More here.
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