Alors il se trouve que mon amoureux a fait une petite BD avec un ami scénariste et un collectif d'auteurs. Pour plus d'infos n'hésitez pas à aller voir son site en lien ici. Pour ceux qui souhaiteraient acheter l'album en souscription, une lino, reproduite ci-dessus et qu'il a aussi faite avec ses petites mains, est offerte.
So, my love had actually made a small comic with a writer friend and a collective of authors. For more info please feel free to visit his site linked here. For those who wish to purchase the album in underwriting, a lino, reproduced above and also made by him is offered.
So, my love had actually made a small comic with a writer friend and a collective of authors. For more info please feel free to visit his site linked here. For those who wish to purchase the album in underwriting, a lino, reproduced above and also made by him is offered.
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