Le washi est un papier artisanal fabriqué au Japon depuis 1300 ans. Ce type de washi est surtout utilisé au départ dans l'architecture traditionnelle japonaise, en relation avec le shōji qui est une paroi constituée de papier translucide monté sur une trame en bois. Ces photos ont été prises au showroom d'Eriko Horiki à Kyoto, ou comment allier tradition et création.
The Washi paper is a artcraft made in Japan since 1300 years. This type of Washi is mainly used in traditional Japanese architecture, in conjunction with the shoji which is a wall made of translucent paper mounted on a wooden frame. These photos were taken at the Kyoto showroom of Eriko Horiki, or how to combine tradition and creation.
The Washi paper is a artcraft made in Japan since 1300 years. This type of Washi is mainly used in traditional Japanese architecture, in conjunction with the shoji which is a wall made of translucent paper mounted on a wooden frame. These photos were taken at the Kyoto showroom of Eriko Horiki, or how to combine tradition and creation.