Le temps passe vite surtout lorsqu'on doit déménager et meubler son appartement (aussi petit soit-il...). Cette semaine a été chargée côté administratif et démarches en tous genre, et pas vraiment côté découverte... Côté photo, hier je suis allée me promener en forêt sur le mont Icoma (frontière géographique entre la vallé d'Osaka et celle de Nara) où l'automne commence à poindre! Côté dessin, un essai sur la vue du mont Icoma depuis la terrasse du labo. Sinon j'ai pu profiter du festival de l'université qui fête ses 80 ans, yaki soba, yakitori, râmen et takoyaki à volonté! Et surtout j'ai pu assister à une cérémonie du thé réalisée par des étudiants...
Time passes quickly especially when you move on and furnish your apartment (however small...). So this week was not realy funny: administration and procedures, and not really new Japanese discovery... About the photo, yesterday I walked in the forest on ICOMA Mountain (geographical border between the valley of Osaka and Nara) where fall began to emerge! About the sketch, trying the view of ICOMA Mountain from the terrace of the lab. Otherwise I have also benefited from the university festival (80th year anniversary): Yaki Soba, Yakitori, Râmen and Takoyaki at will! And I could attend a tea ceremony performed by students ...
Time passes quickly especially when you move on and furnish your apartment (however small...). So this week was not realy funny: administration and procedures, and not really new Japanese discovery... About the photo, yesterday I walked in the forest on ICOMA Mountain (geographical border between the valley of Osaka and Nara) where fall began to emerge! About the sketch, trying the view of ICOMA Mountain from the terrace of the lab. Otherwise I have also benefited from the university festival (80th year anniversary): Yaki Soba, Yakitori, Râmen and Takoyaki at will! And I could attend a tea ceremony performed by students ...
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